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Welcome earthlings to TheCAF online....

This is where you check out to find out the latest on wazzup @ the CAF...
Feel free to cruise around this site - we're in the know so come on reguarly for updates and cooler stuff....

Now get ready to surf your heart out!

Well, hot off the press, we've just been giving the old CAF 
a jolly good spring clean which should last us for a couple of
weeks maybe... The walls of the toilet/shower area are all finished
painting and are just beautiful ay! The kitchen is just
about finished and has a cool spray painted zip too!
We've got new lights now coz the Sparkies came in a while
ago and we've just about finished all the painting.

Come and help anytime you can - we need it!.
Big thanks to the kind donations we've
been getting from loads of folks.

We did a mission on a day off school to finish the painting
which is Finally done. We're really good painters now!
Also the curtains are being done and we've got another couch
so it won't be long before we can do our stuff there!

really cool people have been here!

Keep visiting this site for regular updates from the sidedoor webmaster!

Email Sidedoor

Email the CAF